Backyard Basecamp, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Our EIN is 84-3528011.
Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Keep up with our work in the community using the link below.
We rely on our Candid profile to gather support. It enables our funders and donors to find us and learn more about our impact.
We’ll keep our profile up to date so you can see what your donations help us accomplish.
With a $15,000 gift from a major donor, our Board of Directors has established an endowment account to help us create a self-sustaining source of funding to support our operating expenses and mission.
Our investment objective is to generate returns sufficient to meet spending requirements while preserving the purchasing power of the endowment over time. The endowment pool will support scholarships, staff positions, programs, events, and our grounds.
Endowed gifts are held by Backyard Basecamp in perpetuity. The initial gift is invested, and 5% of the fund's market value will be awarded annually for the purposes designated by the benefactor.
We are looking for financial partners to help create new endowed funds to support the below causes:
Please make the check out to Backyard Basecamp, Inc., and mail it to
Backyard Basecamp, Inc.
5111 Plainfield Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21206
In lieu of labor and funds, here is a list of in-kind services and items were are seeking:
Copyright © 2025 Backyard Basecamp - All Rights Reserved.
Pages and links are active and current, however, some may move around over the next few months.
Please bear with us as we work to ensure our site is informative, user-friendly, and accessible.